Monday, October 29, 2012

George Washington

Authors Note: I wrote about George Washington and how his rights should still be around now days.

If I could talk to George Washington I would tell him that chopping down Cherrie trees is not right.  Because I love cherries and George is kind of crazy.  I think that since he got his face on the one dollar bill he is special to America and the people in it.  There are billions of one dollar bills that represent him it the world right now.

When I think about George being the United states of America's first president  I think of how much has changed and how it will never be the same. The taxes have raised and the economy is horrid.  Gas prices are going up and people are losing their houses because of Obama care. 

But I bet he wouldn’t  know what Obama care is.  It’s just Obama making up outrageous  rules.  I wish that life was like the days when George Washington  were our president because he made the right choices.

 As part of his belief that our nation should practice honesty, he urged that our Government always be honorable in money matters. He urged our country to borrow as little money as necessary and to avoid piling up a big debt.  He realized that emergencies, such as unavoidable wars, would require us to borrow from time to time; but he urged that these debts be paid off as rapidly as possible.

There for we need him back in the spot for our president.  Even though he passed away centuries ago people in America will never forget George Washington as our first president. He made things right and didn’t cause much hassle. We need somebody to take charge of this country! There for, I choose George!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I really enjoyed this!(:
    I agree with you, and i liked it a lot!
