Monday, February 18, 2013

What my Mother Doesn't Know

Authors note: I wrote a Compare and contrast piece on What my Mother Doesn't Know.
Many novels show differences and similarities between characters and settings but the novel What My Mother Doesn't Know, by Sonya Sones is by far the most miraculous book I've read of 2012.  Sophie is a freshman in high school who’s struggling with all the crushes that come along the way of education. Sophie’s mom on the other hand is a very formal and religious, she would never have time to have a high school crush. Throughout the novel she is training Sophie that an education is more important than having a relationship, Sophie thinks different, she thinks she can do both and be on top of the honor roll, but I think Sophie should listen to her mom, because everybody says “Older is wiser”.

There is a distinctive plot for every setting, for example; When Sophie gets into a car with her best friend and meets this boy named Dylan, and she instantly falls in love with his eyes. She actually feels that this muscular, hansom, tall boy would be a good boyfriend.  As soon as Sophie brings him home so Sophie’s mother can approve him, she doesn't. Sophie doesn't get why her and her mom are so very different with boy problems.

Therefore most settings  revolve around the characters and their needs and thoughts.  For example; when Sophie meets Dylan the mood was soft and sweet.  When Sophie is in trouble with her Mother, the setting dooming and scary.  These settings actually cause the readers to think differently about the characters were reading about.

All though, I am sticking to my first impression on what I thought about Sophie, and how she needs to relax with her temper a little, and leave the boys behind. Education is more important than a boyfriend in High school.  The  most important reason why Sophie needs to stay on track, is because she’s young.

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