Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Authors notes: I wrote a text analysis essay explaining abusive relationships with one of my favorite books and real world situations.
Relationships are hard.  89% of people agree that their relationships with their partners usually don’t work out.  Whether  it involves abuse; verbally or physically,  drugs and alcohol, or hardships, the character, Kaitlin from Dreamland, By Sarah Dessen  can relate to all of them.  Abusive relationships are very difficult for anyone to get out of, especially when you grow a bond and become attached.  It’s not just characters in fiction/ non fiction novels that get themselves into a tremendous abusive relationships, its people in the whole world that deal with this harshness every day.

First of all, In dreamland the main character Kaitlin receives abuse from her boyfriend Rodgerson, but doesn’t know how to get herself out of it.  An example is the quote from Kaitlin’s point of view: “Now I felt like I was drifting, sucked down by an undertow, and too far out to swim back to the shore.”  That quote shows that Kaitlin is getting dragged into a horrible relationship and she’s already too deep in love to pull herself away.  Another quote told by the authors point of view; “ Kaitlin finds herself in a constant menace, a trap that is baited with love and need.” That quote shows that Kaitlin needs this abusive relationship because she is attached.

Second of all,  Abusive relationships are spreading so fast into the world that people actually think they are okay! The statement/fact; “As violence becomes more and more prevalent in our world, one out of every five teenage girls in America will be beaten by a dating partner.”  That shows that abuse is spreading very fast throughout  the world. The other fact; “one third to one half of married women will be victims of abuse.” That’s crazy!  People need to realize that if anyone ever hurts you, get away from them before its gets serious and permeate.

Last, there are so many ways that characters can make text to world connections. Kaitlin and women in the world are alike by being abused by characters and humans.  Most people believe that abuse is wrong and they would never get into a relationship like that. For the women that do get themselves into those relationships, there are ways to let go and get help. Some ways that people tend to get out of abusive relationships, are talk to people they trust. 

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